  • Dirty Microbial Hacking
    As hackers are trying to break security seal, the microbial enemy tries to break both of coronal and apical seal.
    Concomitantly, procedural errors act as a co-hackers that may lead to endodontic failure.
    Therefore, dentists are in big challenge to obtain and to maintain sealing of the root canal system.
    This is a 26 years old female patient that was referred to me seeking for retreatment of 16 tooth.
    Clinical and radiographic (periapical & CBCT )examinations revealed the following;
    •Severally curved mesial root.
    •Missed MB2
    •Two broken instruments in DB canal
    • Ledged palatal canal at the apical third.
    •No coronal and apical seal of the root canal system.
    Based on previous data; the treatment plan was directed to the following procedures in an arranged manner;
    1-Removal of the coronal carious tooth structure with pre endo build up.
    2- Removal of old GP from both of MB, and palatal canals.
    3-Removal of the broken instruments from the DB canal.
    4- Cleaning and shaping of the MB, DB and Palatal canals.
    5-Negotiation, cleaning and shaping of MB2.
    6-Ultrasonic activation of the irrigating solution for 1 min in each canal.
    7- Dryness of the root canal system.
    8- Obturation of the root canal system using WVC utilizing warm GP and MTA Endoseal sealer .
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    Moataz Al Khawas
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